- pydantic model safir.uws.SerializedJob¶
A single UWS job (Wobbly format).
- Parameters:
data (
)- Fields:
- field creation_time: Annotated[UtcDatetime, Field(title='Creation time', description='When the job was created', examples=['2024-10-29T23:57:55+00:00'])] [Required]¶
When the job was created
- Constraints:
func = <function normalize_datetime at 0x7f2714b763e0>
- field end_time: Annotated[UtcDatetime | None, Field(title='End time', description='When the job stopped executing (if it has)', examples=['2024-10-30T00:08:45+00:00', None])] = None¶
When the job stopped executing (if it has)
- field errors: Annotated[list[JobError], Field(title='Error', description='Error information if the job failed')] = []¶
Error information if the job failed
- field id: Annotated[str, Field(title='Job ID', description='Unique identifier of the job', examples=['47183']), BeforeValidator(lambda v: str(v) if isinstance(v, int) else v)] [Required]¶
Unique identifier of the job
- Constraints:
func = <function <lambda> at 0x7f271572ede0>
json_schema_input_type = PydanticUndefined
- field message_id: Annotated[str | None, Field(title='Work queue message ID', description='Internal message identifier for the work queuing system. Only meaningful to the service that stored this ID.', examples=['e621a175-e3bf-4a61-98d7-483cb5fb9ec2'])] = None¶
Internal message identifier for the work queuing system. Only meaningful to the service that stored this ID.
- field owner: Annotated[str, Field(title='Job owner', description='Identity of the owner of the job', examples=['someuser'])] [Required]¶
Identity of the owner of the job
- field phase: Annotated[ExecutionPhase, Field(title='Execution phase', description='Current execution phase of the job', examples=[ExecutionPhase.PENDING, ExecutionPhase.EXECUTING, ExecutionPhase.COMPLETED])] [Required]¶
Current execution phase of the job
- field quote: Annotated[UtcDatetime | None, Field(title='Expected completion time', description='Expected completion time of the job if it were started now, or null to indicate that the expected duration is not known. If later than the destruction time, indicates that the job is not possible due to resource constraints.')] = None¶
Expected completion time of the job if it were started now, or null to indicate that the expected duration is not known. If later than the destruction time, indicates that the job is not possible due to resource constraints.
- field results: Annotated[list[JobResult], Field(title='Job results', description='Results of the job, if it has finished')] = []¶
Results of the job, if it has finished
- field service: Annotated[str, Field(title='Service', description='Service responsible for this job', examples=['vo-cutouts'])] [Required]¶
Service responsible for this job
- field start_time: Annotated[UtcDatetime | None, Field(title='Start time', description='When the job started executing (if it has)', examples=['2024-10-30T00:00:21+00:00', None])] = None¶
When the job started executing (if it has)