
safir.database.run_migrations_offline(metadata, url)

Run Alembic migrations in offline mode.

This function may only be called from the Alembic file.

This configures the context with just a URL and not an engine. By skipping the engine creation, the DBAPI does not have to be available. The migrations are sent to the script output.

  • metadata (MetaData) – Schema metadata object for the current schema.

  • url (str | Url) – Database connection URL.

Return type:



Normally this is called from alembic/ with code similar to the following:

from alembic import context
from safir.database import run_migrations_offline

from example.config import config
from example.schema import Base

if context.is_offline_mode():
    run_migrations_offline(Base.metadata, config.database_url)