
pydantic model safir.github.models.GitHubRepositoryModel

A Pydantic model for the repository field, often found in webhook payloads.


data (Any)

field blobs_url: str [Required]

URI template for the Git blobs API.

field branches_url: str [Required]

URI template for the repo’s branches endpoint.

field contents_url: str [Required]

URI template for the contents endpoint.

field default_branch: str [Required]

The default branch (e.g. main).

field full_name: str [Required]

Full name, including owner prefix (e.g. lsst-sqre/times-square-demo).)

field html_url: HttpUrl [Required]

URL of the repository for browsers.

field name: str [Required]

Excludes owner prefix.

field owner: GitHubRepoOwnerModel [Required]

The repository’s owner.

field trees_url: str [Required]

URI template for the Git tree API.