Change log

All notable changes to Safir will be documented in this file.

Versioning follows semver.

This project uses scriv to maintain the change log. Changes for the upcoming release can be found in changelog.d.

6.1.0 (2024-07-12)

New features

  • Add pull_requests to GitHubCheckSuiteModel to capture info about any pull requests associated with a GitHub check suite event.

6.0.0 (2024-06-10)

Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Drop safir.database.create_sync_session. This was only used by services that used Dramatiq for task management, since Dramatiq is sync-only. Services based on Safir should switch to arq and use only async database connections.

  • Drop DatabaseSessionDependency.override_engine. This was used for Gafaelfawr to share a database engine across all tests for speed, but this technique breaks with current versions of pytest-asyncio and is no longer used or safe to use.

New features

  • Allow the database password to be passed to create_database_engine and DatabaseSessionDependency.initialize as a Pydantic SecretStr.

  • Add new function safir.datetime.parse_timedelta, which parses a human-friendly syntax for specifying time durations into a Python datetime.timedelta.

  • Add support for gs URLs to safir.gcs.SignedURLService.

  • Support pickling of SlackException so that subclasses of it can be thrown by arq workers and unpickled correctly when retrieving results.

Bug fixes

  • Correctly honor the default_queue_name argument to RedisArqQueue.initialize.

5.2.2 (2024-03-15)

Bug fixes

  • Ensure that per-request database sessions provided by db_session_dependency are cleaned up even if the request aborts with an uncaught exception.

5.2.1 (2024-02-19)

Bug fixes

  • Fix the return type of safir.datetime.parse_isodatetime to not include None since the function never returns None.

5.2.0 (2024-01-19)

New features

  • Add a FastAPI dependency for retrieving a Gafaelfawr delegated token from the request headers: safir.dependencies.gafaelfawr.auth_delegated_token_dependency.

Bug fixes

  • Rewrite CaseInsensitiveQueryMiddleware and XForwardedMiddleware as pure ASGI middleware rather than using the Starlette BaseHTTPMiddleware class. The latter seems to be behind some poor error reporting of application exceptions, has caused problems in the past due to its complexity, and is not used internally by Starlette middleware.

5.1.0 (2023-12-07)

New features

  • Add support for label selectors in the list_node method of the Kubernetes mock.

5.0.0 (2023-12-05)

Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Safir now depends on Pydantic v2. Python code that uses any part of Safir related to Pydantic will also need to update to Pydantic v2, since the API is significantly different. See the Pydantic migration guide for more information.

  • safir.pydantic.validate_exactly_one_of is now a Pydantic model validator. It must be called with mode="after", since it operates in the model rather than on a raw dictionary.

  • Remove the GitHubAppClientFactory.create_app_client method, which does not work with the Gidgethub API. Instead, the documentation shows how to create a JWT with the GitHubAppClientFactory and pass it with requests.

  • safir.github.GitHubAppClientFactory now expects the application ID and installation ID (for create_installation_client) to be of type int, not str. This appears to match what GitHub’s API returns, but not what Gidgethub expects. The ID is converted to a string when passing it to Gidgethub.

New features

  • Allow the safir.logging.LogLevel enum to be created from strings of any case, which will allow the logging level to be specified with any case for Safir applications that use Pydantic to validate the field.

  • Add validated but ignored optional propagation_policy arguments to every delete method of the Kubernetes mock for better compatibility with the actual Kubernetes API. Previously, this argument was only accepted by delete_namespaced_job.

  • All mock Kubernetes methods now accept and ignore a _request_timeout error for better compatibility with the Kubernetes API.

  • Add delete, list, and watch support for persistent volume claims to the Kubernetes mock.

Bug fixes

  • safir.database.datetime_to_db, safir.datetime.format_datetime_for_logging, and safir.datetime.isodatetime now accept any datetime object with a time zone whose offset from UTC is 0, rather than only the datetime.UTC time zone object.

  • safir.pydantic.normalize_datetime now explicitly rejects input other than seconds since epoch or datetime objects with a validation error rather than attempting to treat the input as a datetime object and potentially throwing more obscure errors.

  • The _request_timeout parameters to mock Kubernetes methods now accept a float instead of an int to more correctly match the types of kubernetes_asyncio. The mock still does not accept a tuple of timeouts.

  • Avoid reusing the same metadata object when creating a Pod from a Job. Previous versions modified the spec part of the Job when adding additional metadata to the child Pod.

Other changes

  • Safir is now tested with Python 3.12 as well as Python 3.11.

4.5.0 (2023-09-12)

New features

  • Add list_namespaced_custom_object with watch support to the Kubernetes mock.

  • Add watch, field selector, and label selector support to list_namespace in the Kubernetes mock.

Bug fixes

  • The Kubernetes mock now correctly maintains the resource version of Ingress, Job, and Service objects, since they support watches which rely on resource versions.

  • When creating a Pod from a Job in the Kubernetes mock using generateName, randomize the Pod name like Kubernetes does rather than using a fixed name. This forces tests to scan correctly for pods associated with a job. If the Pod name or generateName was explicitly configured in the Job template, honor it.

  • read_namespace and list_namespace in the Kubernetes mock now only return namespace objects that have been explicitly created, not implicit namespaces created by creating another object without making a namespace first. This more closely matches the behavior of Kubernetes while still making it easy to use the mock in a test environment simulating a pre-existing namespace.

4.4.0 (2023-09-07)

New features

  • Add a helper function that implements a help command for Click-based command-line interfaces, with support for nested subcommands.

  • Add a new safir.asyncio.AsyncMultiQueue data structure, which is an asyncio multi-reader queue that delivers all messages to each reader independently.

  • Add read_ methods for the Kubernetes object types for which the mock provided create_ methods (NetworkPolicy and PersistentVolumeClaim).

Bug fixes

  • Fix typing of the safir.asyncio.run_with_asyncio decorator so that it doesn’t mask the type of the underlying function.

  • Kubernetes objects included in events are now serialized properly using the Kubernetes camel-case field names instead of the Python snake-case names. In addition to matching Kubernetes behavior more closely, this allows a watch configured with the Kubernetes model type to deserialize the object in the object key of the event dictionary. The type must be passed explicitly to the Watch constructor, since kubernetes_asyncio’s type autodetection does not work with Safir’s mock.

  • safir.testing.kubernetes.patch_kubernetes no longer mocks the entire ApiClient class since it is required for deserialization of objects in Kubernetes events. It instead mocks the request method of that class for safety, to prevent any network requests to Kubernetes clusters when Kubernetes is mocked.

Other changes

  • Safir now uses the Ruff linter instead of flake8 and isort.

4.3.1 (2023-07-17)

Bug fixes

  • Safir now pins the major version of all of its non-development dependencies. The impetus for this change is to prevent upgrades to Pydantic 2.x until Safir’s Pydantic models are ready for that upgrade, but a similar principle applies to other dependencies. These pins will be selectively relaxed once Safir has been confirmed to work with a new major release.

4.3.0 (2023-05-23)

New features

  • All delete_* APIs in the mock Kubernetes API now support grace_period_seconds and a V1DeleteOptions body. Both are ignored.

  • delete_namespaced_job in the mock Kubernetes API now requires propagation_policy to be passed as a keyword argument if provided, and does not require it be set. It is validated against the values recognized by Kubernetes, and if set to Orphan, pods created by the job are not deleted.

Bug fixes

  • When reporting an error response to Slack using SlackWebException, put the response body in an attachment instead of a regular block, since it may be a full HTML error page. An attachment tells Slack to hide long content by default unless the viewer expands it.

4.2.2 (2023-05-17)

Bug fixes

  • Revert the documentation change in 4.2.1 to restore cross-references, since the docs-linkcheck failure appears to be a false positive.

Other changes

  • Safir now uses scriv to maintain its change log.

4.2.1 (2023-05-17)

Bug fixes

  • Fix syntax of literals in the MockKubernetesApi docstring.

4.2.0 (2023-05-17)

New features

  • Add create, delete, read, list (with watches), and (limited) patch support for Ingress objects to the mock Kubernetes API.

  • Add create, delete, read, and list (with watches) support for Job objects to the mock Kuberntes API, and mock the BatchV1Api.

  • Add delete, read, and list (with watches) support for Service objects to the mock Kubernetes API.

  • Add support for label selectors to list_namespaced_pod in the mock Kubernetes API.

  • Add create_namespaced_persistent_volume_claim to the mock Kubernetes API for testing.

  • Add support for deleting custom resources to the mock Kubernetes API.

Bug fixes

  • SlackWebException now extracts the method and URL of the request from more httpx exceptions, and avoids exceptions when the request information is not present.

4.1.0 (2023-05-08)

New features

  • Add read_* methods for ConfigMap and ResourceQuota to the mock Kubernetes API for testing.

  • Add patch_namespaced_pod_status to the mock Kubernetes API for testing. Application code is unlikely to call this, but it’s useful for test suites.

  • The mock list_namespaced_pod Kubernetes API now supports watches (but be aware that all changes must be made through the API).

Bug fixes

  • Fix concurrency locking when watching namespace events in the Kubernetes testing mock. The previous logic degenerated into busy-waiting rather than correctly waiting on a condition variable.

  • Watches for namespace events using the mock Kubernetes API now start with the next event, not the first stored event, if resource_version is not set, aligning behavior with the Kubernetes API.

4.0.0 (2023-04-19)

Backwards-incompatible changes

  • Safir now requires a minimum Python version of 3.11.

  • safir.pydantic.validate_exactly_one_of is now a Pydantic root validator instead of an individual field validator, which simplifies how it should be called.

  • Custom Kubernetes objects are no longer copied before being stored in the Kubernetes mock by create_namespaced_custom_object, and no longer automatically get a metadata.uid value. This brings handling of custom objects in line with the behavior of other mocked create_* and replace_* APIs.

  • All objects stored in the Kubernetes mock will be modified to set api_version, kind, and (where appropriate) namespace. If any of those values are set in the object, they are checked for correctness and rejected with AssertionError if they don’t match the API call and its parameters.

  • The mocked create_* Kubernetes APIs now use the name body for the parameter containing the API object, instead of using some other name specific to the kind of object. This fixes compatibility with the Python Kubernetes API that this class is mocking.

New features

  • The new safir.redis.PydanticRedisStorage class enables you to store Pydantic model objects in Redis. A safir.redis.EncryptedPydanticRedisStorage class also encrypts data in Redis. To use the safir.redis module, install Safir with the redis extra (i.e., pip install safir[redis]).

  • Add safir.fastapi.ClientRequestError base class for exceptions and the corresponding exception handler safir.fastapi.client_request_error_handler. These may be used together to raise structured exceptions and automatically transform them into structured HTTP errors with the correct HTTP status code and an error body compatible with safir.models.ErrorModel and FastAPI’s own internally-generated errors.

  • Add safir.slack.webhook.SlackWebException, which is a child class of safir.slack.webhook.SlackException that knows how to capture and report details from an underlying HTTPX exception.

  • Add a safir.testing.kubernetes.strip_none helper function that makes it easier to compare Kubernetes objects against expected test data.

  • Add a get_namespace_objects_for_test method to the Kubernetes mock to retrieve all objects (of any kind) in a namespace.

  • Add a mock for the list_nodes Kubernetes API, which returns data set by a call to the new set_nodes_for_test method.

  • Add optional rudimentary namespace tracking to the Kubernetes mock. Namespaces can be created, deleted (which deletes all objects in the namespace), read, and listed. Explicit namespace creation remains optional; if an object is created in a namespace and that namespace does not exist, one will be implicitly created by the mock.

  • Add support for namespaced events (the older core API, not the new events API) to the Kubernetes mock. Newly-created pods with the default initial status post an event by default; otherwise, events must be created by calling the mocked create_namespaced_event API. The list_namespaced_event API supports watches with timeouts.

  • Add rudimentary support for NetworkPolicy, ResourceQuota, and Service objects to the Kubernetes mock.

  • Add a safir.github module for writing GitHub integrations with GidgetHub and Pydantic modeling. safir.github.GitHubAppClientFactory helps create authenticated clients for GitHub Apps and app installations. safir.github.models contains Pydantic models for GitHub v3 REST API resources. safir.github.webhooks contains Pydantic models for GitHub webhook payloads.

Bug fixes

  • Stop adding the X-Auth-Request-User header to the OpenAPI schema for routes that use auth_dependency or auth_logger_dependency.

Other changes

  • The safir.testing.kubernetes.MockKubernetesApi mock now has rudimentary API documentation for the Kubernetes APIs that it supports.

  • The documentation for running commands with tox has been updated for the new command-line syntax in tox v4.

3.8.0 (2023-03-15)

New features

  • Add safir.slack.webhook.SlackWebhookClient and accompanying models to post a structured message to Slack via an incoming webhook. Add a safir.slack.blockkit.SlackException base class that can be used to create exceptions with supplemental metadata that can be sent to Slack as a formatted alert.

  • Add a FastAPI route class (safir.slack.webhook.SlackRouteErrorHandler) that reports all uncaught exceptions to Slack using an incoming webhook.

  • Add safir.datetime.format_datetime_for_logging to convert a datetime object into an easily human-readable representation.

  • Add safir.testing.slack.mock_slack_webhook and an associated mock class to mock a Slack webhook for testing.

  • Add microseconds=True parameter to safir.datetime.current_datetime to get a datetime object with microseconds filled in. By default, current_datetime suppresses the microseconds since databases often cannot store them, but there are some timestamp uses, such as error reporting, that benefit from microseconds and are never stored in databases.

3.7.0 (2023-03-06)

New features

  • Add a safir.testing.uvicorn.spawn_uvicorn helper function to spawn an ASGI app under an external Uvicorn process. Normally, ASGI apps should be tested by passing the app directly to an httpx.AsyncClient, but in some cases (such as Selenium testing) the app needs to listen to regular HTTP requests.

  • safir.database.initialize_database now creates a non-default schema if the underlying SQLAlchemy model declares one.

Bug fixes

  • After safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging was called, exception tracebacks were no longer expanded. Add the missing processor to the logging stack.

  • In safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging, send the access log to standard output instead of combining it with all other messages on standard error.

3.6.0 (2023-02-03)

New features

  • Add a safir.models.ErrorLocation enum holding valid values for the first element of the loc array in safir.models.ErrorModel. Due to limitations in Python typing, loc is not type-checked against this enum, but it may be useful to applications constructing FastAPI-compatible error messages.

  • Add safir.datetime.current_datetime to get a normalized datetime object representing the current date and time.

  • Add safir.datetime.isodatetime and safir.datetime.parse_isodatetime to convert to and from the most useful form of ISO 8601 dates, used by both Kubernetes and the IVOA UWS standard. Also add safir.pydantic.normalize_isodatetime to accept only that same format as input to a Pydantic model with a datetime field.

3.5.0 (2023-01-12)

New features

  • Add new helper class safir.gcs.SignedURLService to generate signed URLs to Google Cloud Storage objects using workload identity. To use this class, depend on safir[gcs].

  • Add the safir.testing.gcs module, which can be used to mock the Google Cloud Storage API for testing. To use this module, depend on safir[gcs].

  • Add new helper class safir.pydantic.CamelCaseModel, which is identical to pydantic.BaseModel except with configuration added to accept camel-case keys using the safir.pydantic.to_camel_case alias generator and overrides of dict and json to export in camel-case by default.

3.4.0 (2022-11-29)

New features

  • safir.logging.configure_logging and safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging now accept Profile and LogLevel enums in addition to strings for the profile and log_level parameters. The new enums are preferred. Support for enums was added in preparation for changing the FastAPI template to use pydantic.BaseSettings for its Configuration class and validate the values of the profile and log_level configuration parameters.

  • Add new function safir.pydantic.normalize_datetime, which can be used as a Pydantic validator for datetime fields. It also allows seconds since epoch as input, and ensures that the resulting datetime field in the model is timezone-aware and in UTC.

  • Add new function safir.pydantic.to_camel_case, which can be used as a Pydantic alias generator when a model needs to accept attributes with camel-case names.

  • Add new function safir.pydantic.validate_exactly_one_of, which can be used as a model validator to ensure that exactly one of a list of fields was set to a value other than None.

Bug fixes

  • In safir.testing.kubernetes.patch_kubernetes, correctly apply a spec to the mock of kubernetes_asyncio.client.ApiClient. Due to an ordering bug in previous versions, the spec was previously a mock object that didn’t apply any constraints.

3.3.0 (2022-09-15)

New features

  • Add new function safir.logging.configure_uvicorn_logging that routes Uvicorn logging through structlog for consistent formatting. It also adds context to Uvicorn logs in the format recognized by Google’s Cloud Logging.

  • Support the newer project metadata structure and URL naming used by pyproject.toml-only packages in safir.metadata.get_metadata.

3.2.0 (2022-05-13)

New features

  • New support for arq, the Redis-based asyncio distributed queue package. The safir.arq module provides an arq client and metadata/result data classes with a mock implementation for testing. The FastAPI dependency, safir.dependencies.arq.arq_dependency, provides a convenient way to use the arq client from HTTP handlers.

3.1.0 (2022-06-01)

New features

  • Add new FastAPI middleware CaseInsensitiveQueryMiddleware to aid in implementing the IVOA protocol requirement that the keys of query parameters be case-insensitive.

3.0.3 (2022-05-16)

Bug fixes

  • Correctly handle the possibility that request.client is None.

3.0.2 (2022-03-25)

Bug fixes

  • Fix handling of passwords containing special characters such as @ and / in safir.database.

3.0.1 (2022-02-24)

Bug fixes

  • safir.database retains the port in the database URL, if provided.

3.0.0 (2022-02-23)

Backward-incompatible changes

  • XForwardedMiddleware no longer sets forwarded_proto in the request state and instead directly updates the request scope so that subsequent handlers and middleware believe the request scheme is that given by an X-Forwarded-Proto header. This fixes the scheme returned by other request methods and attributes such as url_for in cases where the service is behind an ingress that terminates TLS.

New features

  • Add new FastAPI dependencies auth_dependency and auth_logger_dependency from the safir.dependencies.gafaelfawr module. auth_dependency returns the username of the user authenticated via Gafaelfawr (pulled from the X-Auth-Request-User header. auth_logger_dependency returns the same logger as logger_dependency but with the user parameter bound to the username from auth_dependency.

  • Add utility functions to initialize a database and create a sync or async session. The session creation functions optionally support a health check to ensure the database schema has been initialized.

  • Add new FastAPI dependency db_session_dependency that creates a task-local async SQLAlchemy session.

  • Add utility functions datetime_from_db and datetime_to_db to convert between timezone-naive UTC datetimes stored in a database and timezone-aware UTC datetimes used elsewhere in a program.

  • Add a run_with_async decorator that runs the decorated async function synchronously. This is primarily useful for decorating Click command functions (for a command-line interface) that need to make async calls.

2.4.2 (2022-01-24)

New features

  • Add a very basic and limited implementation of list_namespaced_pod to safir.testing.kubernetes.

2.4.1 (2022-01-14)

Bug fixes

  • In the Kubernetes mock API, change the expected body for patch_namespaced_custom_object_status to reflect the need to send a JSON patch for the entirety of the /status path in order to work around a kubernetes_asyncio bug.

2.4.0 (2022-01-13)

New features

  • Add an initialize_kubernetes helper function to load Kubernetes configuration. Add the safir.testing.kubernetes module, which can be used to mock the Kubernetes API for testing. To use the new Kubernetes support, depend on safir[kubernetes].

2.3.0 (2021-12-13)

New features

  • When logging in JSON format, use severity instead of level for the log level for compatibility with Google Log Explorer.

  • In the FastAPI logger_dependency, add log information about the incoming requst in a format compatible with Google Log Explorer.

2.2.0 (2021-11-09)

Bug fixes

  • Restore previous http_client_dependency behavior by enabling following redirects by default. This adjusts for the change of defaults in HTTPX 0.20.0.

2.1.1 (2021-10-29)

Other changes

  • Require structlog 21.2.0 and adjust logger configuration of exception handling for the expectations of that version.

2.1.0 (2021-08-09)

New features

  • Add safir.models.ErrorModel, which is a model of the error message format preferred by FastAPI. Using the model is not necessary but it’s helpful to reference it in API documentation to generate more complete information about the error messages.

Bug fixes

  • Mark all FastAPI dependencies as async so that FastAPI doesn’t run them in an external thread pool.

2.0.1 (2021-06-24)

New features

  • Defer creation of httpx.AsyncClient until the first time it is requested. Allow re-creation after aclose(), which makes it easier to write test suites.

2.0.0 (2021-06-21)

Backward-incompatible changes

As of this release, Safir is a helper library for FastAPI applications instead of aiohttp applications. Much of the library has changed. Authors of software that uses Safir should read the documentation again as part of the upgrade to FastAPI.

Included in this release is:

  • A FastAPI dependency to provide a structlog logger as configured by the safir.logging package, replacing the aiohttp middleware.

  • A FastAPI dependency to provide a global httpx.AsyncClient, replacing the middleware that provided an aiohttp client.

  • Starlette (FastAPI) middleware to parse X-Forwarded-* headers and update request information accordingly.

  • safir.metadata.get_metadata now returns a Pydantic model.

As of this release, Safir only supports Python 3.8 or later.

1.0.0 (2021-06-18)

Safir v1 will be the major release supporting aiohttp. Starting with Safir v2, Safir will become a support library for FastAPI applications.

This release has no significant difference from 0.2.0. The version bump is to indicate that the aiohttp support is stable.

0.2.0 (2021-06-10)

New features

  • configure_logging now supports an optional add_timestamp parameter (false by default) that adds a timestamp to each log message.

0.1.1 (2021-01-14)

Bug fixes

  • Fix duplicated log output when logging is configured multiple times.

0.1.0 (2020-02-26)

New features

  • The first release of Safir featuring:

    • safir.http for adding an aiohttp.ClientSession to your application.

    • safir.logging for configuring structlog loggers.

    • safir.metadata helps your gather and structure metadata about your application for publishing on metadata endpoints.

    • safir.middleware includes a logging middleware that adds a logger with bound context about the request to your Request object.

    • Documentation about these features and a tutorial for starting a new application with the roundtable_aiohttp_bot template.