
class safir.dependencies.db_session.DatabaseSessionDependency

Bases: object

Manages an async per-request SQLAlchemy session.


Creation of the database session factory has to be deferred until the configuration has been loaded, which in turn is deferred until app startup.

In the app startup hook, run:

await db_session_dependency.initialize(database_url)

In the app shutdown hook, run:

await db_session_dependency.aclose()

An isolation level may optionally be configured when calling initialize. By default, a transaction is opened for every request and committed at the end of that request. This can be configured when calling initialize.

Methods Summary


Return the database session manager.


Shut down the database engine.

initialize(url, password, *[, isolation_level])

Initialize the session dependency.

Methods Documentation

async __call__()

Return the database session manager.


The newly-created session.

Return type:


async aclose()

Shut down the database engine.

Return type:


async initialize(url, password, *, isolation_level=None)

Initialize the session dependency.

  • url (str) – Database connection URL, not including the password.

  • password (str | SecretStr | None) – Database connection password.

  • isolation_level (str | None, default: None) – If specified, sets a non-default isolation level for the database engine.

Return type:
