- pydantic model safir.uws.JobUpdateMetadata¶
Input model when updating job metadata.
- Parameters:
data (
)- Fields:
- field destruction_time: Annotated[UtcDatetime, Field(title='Destruction time', description='At this time, the job will be aborted if it is still running, its results will be deleted, and it will either change phase to ARCHIVED or all record of the job will be discarded', examples=['2024-11-29T23:57:55+00:00'])] [Required]¶
At this time, the job will be aborted if it is still running, its results will be deleted, and it will either change phase to ARCHIVED or all record of the job will be discarded
- Constraints:
func = <function normalize_datetime at 0x7f2714b763e0>
- field execution_duration: Annotated[SecondsTimedelta | None, Field(title='Maximum execution duration', description='Allowed maximum execution duration. This is specified in elapsed wall clock time (not CPU time). If null, the execution time is unlimited. If the job runs for longer than this time period, it will be aborted.'), PlainSerializer(lambda t: int(t.total_seconds()) if t else None, return_type=int | None)] [Required]¶
Allowed maximum execution duration. This is specified in elapsed wall clock time (not CPU time). If null, the execution time is unlimited. If the job runs for longer than this time period, it will be aborted.
- Constraints:
func = <function <lambda> at 0x7f27157756c0>
return_type = int | None
when_used = always
- field phase: Annotated[None, Field(title='New phase', description='New phase of job', examples=[None])] = None¶
New phase of job