Integrating Sentry

Sentry is an exception reporting and tracing observability service. It has great out-of-the-box integrations with many of the Python libaries that we use, including FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, and arq. Most apps can get a lot of value out of Sentry by doing nothing other than calling the init function early in their app and using some of the helpers described here.

Instrumenting your application

The simplest instrumentation involves calling sentry_sdk.init as early as possible in your app’s file. You will need to provide at least:

  • A Sentry DSN associated with your app’s Sentry project

  • An environment name with which to tag Sentry events

You can optionally provide:

The sentry_sdk module will automatically get the DSN and environment from the SENTRY_DSN and SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT environment vars, but you can also provide them explicitly via your app’s config. Unless you want to explicitly instrument app config initialization, you should probably provide these values with the rest of your app’s config to keep all config in the same place.

Your config file may look something like this:

class Config(BaseSettings):
    environment_name: Annotated[
                "Phalanx name of the Rubin Science Platform environment"

    sentry_dsn: Annotated[
        str | None,
            description="DSN for sending events to Sentry",
    ] = None

    sentry_traces_sample_rate: Annotated[
                "Percentage of transactions to send to Sentry, expressed "
                "as a float between 0 and 1. 0 means send no traces, 1 "
                "means send every trace."
    ] = 0

config = Config()

And your might look like this:

import sentry_sdk

from safir.sentry import before_send_handler
from .config import config


async def lifespan(app: FastAPI) -> AsyncGenerator: ...

app = FastAPI(title="My App", lifespan=lifespan, ...)

Special Sentry exception types

Similar to Reporting an exception to a Slack webhook, you can use SentryException to create custom exceptions that will send specific Sentry tags and contexts with any events that arise from them. You need to use the before_send_handler handler for this to work.


You can define custom exceptions that inherit from SentryException. These exceptions will have tags and contexts attributes. If Sentry sends an event that arises from reporting one of these exceptions, the event will have those tags and contexts attached to it.


Tags are short key-value pairs that are indexed by Sentry. Use tags for small values that you would like to search by and aggregate over when analyzing multiple Sentry events in the Sentry UI. Contexts are for more detailed information related to single events. You can not search by context values, but you can store more data in them. You should use a tag for something like "query_type": "sync" and a context for something like "query_info": {"query_text": text}

from safir.sentry import sentry_exception_handler, SentryException


class SomeError(SentryException):
    def __init__(
        self, message: str, some_tag: str, some_context: dict[str, Any]
    ) -> None:
        self.tags["some_tag"] = some_tag
        self.contexts["some_context"] = some_context

raise SomeError(
    "Some error!", some_tag="some_value", some_context={"foo": "bar"}


Similar to Reporting HTTPX exceptions, you can use SentryWebException to report an httpx exception with helpful info in tags and contexts.

from httpx import AsyncClient, HTTPError
from safir.sentry import SentryWebException

class FooServiceError(SentryWebException):
    """An error occurred sending a request to the foo service."""

async def do_something(client: AsyncClient) -> None:
    # ... set up some request to the foo service ...
        r = await client.get(url)
    except HTTPError as e:
        raise FooServiceError.from_exception(e) from e

This will set an httpx_request_info context with the body, and these tags if the info is available:

  • gafaelfawr_user

  • httpx_request_method

  • httpx_request_url

  • httpx_request_status


Safir includes some functions to build pytest fixtures to assert you’re sending accurate info with your Sentry events.

  • sentry_init_fixture will yield a function that can be used to initialize Sentry such that it won’t actually try to send any events. It takes the same arguments as the normal sentry init function.

  • capture_events_fixture will return a function that will patch the sentry client to collect events into a container instead of sending them over the wire, and return the container.

These can be combined to create a pytest fixture that initializes Sentry in a way specific to your app, and passes the event container to your test function, where you can make assertions against the captured events.
def sentry_items(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch) -> Generator[Captured]:
    """Mock Sentry transport and yield a list of all published events."""
    with sentry_init_fixture() as init:
        init(traces_sample_rate=1.0, before_send=before_send)
        events = capture_events_fixture(monkeypatch)
        yield events()
def test_spawn_timeout(sentry_items: Captured) -> None:

    # Check that an appropriate error was posted.
    (error,) = sentry_items.errors
    assert error["contexts"]["some_context"] == {
        "foo": "bar",
        "woo": "hoo",
    assert error["exception"]["values"][0]["type"] == "SomeError"
    assert error["exception"]["values"][0]["value"] == (
        "Something bad has happened, do something!!!!!"
    assert error["tags"] == {
        "some_tag": "some_value",
        "another_tag": "another_value",
    assert error["user"] == {"username": "some_user"}

    # Check that an appropriate attachment was posted with the error.
    (attachment,) = sentry_items.attachments
    assert attachment.filename == "some_attachment.txt"
    assert "blah" in attachment.bytes.decode()

    transaction = sentry_items.transactions[0]
    assert transaction["spans"][0]["op"] == "some.operation"

On a Captured container, errors and transactions are dictionaries. Their contents are described in the Sentry docs. You’ll probably make most of your assertions against the keys:

  • tags

  • user

  • contexts

  • exception

attachments is a list of Attachment.