Using the asyncio multiple-reader queue

Queue, provided by the basic library, is an asyncio queue implementation, but the protocol it implements delivers each item in the queue to only one reader. In some cases, you may need behavior more like a publish/subscribe queue: multiple readers all see the full contents of the queue, independently.

Safir provides the AsyncMultiQueue data structure for this use case. Its API is somewhat inspired by that of Queue, but it is intended for use as an async iterator rather than by calling a get method.

The writer should use the queue as follows:

from safir.asyncio import AsyncMultiQueue

queue = AsyncMultiQueue[str]()

Once close is called, no more data can be added to the queue, and the iterators for all readers will stop when they reach the point where close was called.

To reset the queue entirely, use clear.


This does the same thing as close for all existing readers, and then empties the queue and resets it so that new data can be added. New readers will see a fresh, empty queue.

The type information for AsyncMultiQueue can be any type. Note that the writer interface is fully synchronous.

A typical reader looks like this:

async for item in queue:
    await do_something(item)

This iterates over the full contents of the queue until close or clear is called by the writer.

Readers can also start at any position and specify a timeout. The timeout, if given, is the total length of time the iterator is allowed to run, not the time to wait for the next element.

from datetime import timedelta

timeout = timedelta(seconds=5)
async for item in queue.aiter_from(4, timeout):
    await do_something(item)

This reader will ignore all elements until the fourth, and will raise TimeoutError after five seconds of total time in the iterator.