Creating a new UWS service

To create a new service that uses the Safir UWS library for its API, first create a new FastAPI Safir application. The easiest way to do this is to follow the instructions in Creating an app from the template. Select the UWS flavor.

Then, flesh out the application by following these steps:

  1. Define the API parameters

  2. Define the parameter models

  3. Write the backend worker

  4. Write the test suite

If you use the template and select the UWS flavor, all of the steps below will be done for you and you can skip the rest of this page. Read on if you’re curious about what the UWS flavor sets up, or if you’re converting an already-existing FastAPI application.

Add UWS configuration options

UWS applications have several standard configuration options that you will want to include in your application’s overall configuration. You will also need to add a method to creete the UWSConfig object from your application configuration and to create a global UWSApplication object. These need to be added to

First, add additional configuration settings for UWS to Config by changing the class to inherit from UWSAppSettings. This will add standard configuration options most services will need and provide helper methods and properties.
from safir.uws import UWSAppSettings

class Config(UWSAppSettings): ...

Second, add a property to Config that returns the UWS configuration. For some of these settings, you won’t know the values yet. You will be able to fill in the value of parameters_type after reading Define job parameter models, the values of async_post_route and optionally sync_get_route and sync_post_route after reading Defining service inputs, and the value of worker after reading Write the backend worker. For now, you can just insert placeholder values.
from safir.uws import UWSAppSettings, UWSConfig, UWSRoute

class Config(UWSAppSettings):

    def uws_config(self) -> UWSConfig:
        return self.build_uws_config(

See UWSAppSettings.build_uws_config for all of the possible settings.

Third, at the bottom of, create the UWSApplication object and store it in uws, which should be an exported symbol (listed in __all__).
from safir.uws import UWSApplication


config = Config()
"""Configuration for example."""

uws = UWSApplication(config.uws_config)
"""The UWS application for this service."""

Set up the FastAPI application

The Safir UWS library must be initialized when the application starts, and requires some additional FastAPI middleware and error handlers. These need to be added to

First, initialize the UWS application in the lifespan function:
from .config import uws

async def lifespan(app: FastAPI) -> AsyncIterator[None]:
    await uws.initialize_fastapi()
    await uws.shutdown_fastapi()
    await http_client_dependency.aclose()

Second, install the UWS routes into the external router before including it in the application:
# Attach the routers.
app.include_router(external_router, prefix=f"{config.path_prefix}")

Third, install the UWS middleware and error handlers.
# Add middleware.

# Install error handlers.

Add a command-line interface

The UWS implementation uses a PostgreSQL database to store job status. Your application will need a mechanism to initialize that database with the desired schema. The simplest way to do this is to add a command-line interface for your application with an init command that initializes the database.


This approach has inherent race conditions and cannot handle database schema upgrades. It will be replaced with a more sophisticated approach using Alembic once that support is ready.

First, create a new file in your application with the following contents:
import click
import structlog
from safir.asyncio import run_with_asyncio
from import display_help

from .config import uws{"help_option_names": ["-h", "--help"]})
def main() -> None:
    """Administrative command-line interface for example."""

@click.argument("topic", default=None, required=False, nargs=1)
def help(ctx: click.Context, topic: str | None) -> None:
    """Show help for any command."""
    display_help(main, ctx, topic)

    "--reset", is_flag=True, help="Delete all existing database data."
async def init(*, reset: bool) -> None:
    """Initialize the database storage."""
    logger = structlog.get_logger("example")
    await uws.initialize_uws_database(logger, reset=reset)

Look for the instances of example and replace them with the name of your application.

Second, register this interface with Python in pyproject.toml:

example = "example.cli:main"

Again, replace example with the name of your application.

Third, change the Dockerfile for your application to run a startup script rather than run uvicorn directly:

# Copy the startup script
COPY scripts/ /

# Run the application.
CMD ["/"]

Finally, create the scripts/ file:

# Create the database and then start the server.

set -eu

example init
uvicorn example.main:app --host --port 8080

Again, replace example with the name of your application.

Create the arq worker for database updates

Your application will have two separate arq worker pods, one to do the actual work of your application and one to handle database updates and state tracking. The code for the second worker is part of the UWS library, but you have to add a small amount of code to enable it and attach it to your application configuration.

Create a subdirectory named workers in the source for your application with an empty workers/ file. Then, create workers/ with the following contents:

import structlog
from safir.logging import configure_logging

from ..config import config, uws

    name="example", profile=config.profile, log_level=config.log_level

WorkerSettings = uws.build_worker(structlog.get_logger("example"))
"""arq configuration for the UWS database worker."""

Once again, replace example with the name of your application.

Next steps

Now that you have set up the basic structure of your application, you can move on to the substantive parts.