API reference#
safir Package#
Safir is the Rubin Observatory’s library for building FastAPI services for the Rubin Science Platform.
The version string of Safir (PEP 440 / SemVer compatible). |
The decomposed version, split across " |
safir.arq Module#
An arq client with a mock for testing.
A base class for errors related to arq jobs. |
The job was not successfully queued. |
A job cannot be found. |
The job's result is unavailable. |
Mode configuration for the Arq queue. |
Information about a queued job. |
The full result of a job, as well as its metadata. |
A common interface for working with an arq queue that can be implemented either with a real Redis backend, or an in-memory repository for testing. |
A distributed queue, based on arq and Redis. |
A mocked queue for testing API services. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.asyncio Module#
Utility functions for asyncio code.
Run the decorated function with asyncio.run. |
An asyncio multiple reader, multiple writer queue. |
Invalid sequence of calls when writing to AsyncMultiQueue. |
Type variable for return type of decorated by run_with_asyncio. |
Parameter spec for functions decorated by run_with_asyncio. |
Type variable of objects being stored in AsyncMultiQueue. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.click Module#
Click command-line interface support.
Show help for a Click command. |
safir.database Module#
Utility functions for database management.
Create a new async database session. |
Create a new async database engine. |
Create a new sync database session. |
Add the UTC time zone to a naive datetime from the database. |
Strip time zone for storing a datetime in the database. |
Create and initialize a new database. |
Database initialization failed. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.datetime Module#
Date and time manipulation utility functions.
Construct a ~datetime.datetime for the current time. |
Format a datetime for logging and human readabilty. |
Format a timestamp in UTC in a standard ISO date format. |
Parse a string in a standard ISO date format. |
safir.dependencies.arq Module#
A FastAPI dependency that supplies a Redis connection for arq.
A FastAPI dependency that maintains a Redis client for enqueuing tasks to the worker pool. |
Singleton instance of ArqDependency that serves as a FastAPI dependency. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.dependencies.db_session Module#
Manage an async database session.
Manages an async per-request SQLAlchemy session. |
The dependency that will return the async session proxy. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.dependencies.gafaelfawr Module#
Gafaelfawr authentication dependencies.
Retrieve authentication information from HTTP headers. |
Logger bound to the authenticated user. |
safir.dependencies.http_client Module#
HTTP client dependency for FastAPI.
Provides an |
Default timeout (in seconds) for outbound HTTP requests. |
The dependency that will return the HTTP client. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.dependencies.logger Module#
Logger dependency for FastAPI.
Provides a structlog logger as a FastAPI dependency. The logger will incorporate information from the request in its bound context.
Provides a structlog logger configured with request information. |
The dependency that will return the logger for the current request. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.fastapi Module#
Helper code for FastAPI (other than dependencies and middleware).
Exception handler for exceptions derived from ClientRequestError. |
Represents an error in a client request. |
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safir.gcs Module#
Utilities for interacting with Google Cloud Storage.
Generate signed URLs for Google Cloud Storage blobs. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.github Package#
GitHub API client factory and Pydantic models.
Factory for creating GitHub App clients authenticated either as an app or as an installation of that app. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.github.models Module#
Pydantic models for GitHub v3 REST API resources.
A Pydantic model for the |
A Pydantic model for the |
A Pydantic model for the |
The state of a GitHub pull request (PR). |
A Pydantic model for a GitHub Pull Request. |
A Pydantic model for the commit field found in GitHubBranchModel. |
A Pydantic model for a GitHub branch. |
A Pydantic model for a blob, returned by the GitHub blob endpoint. |
The status of a GitHub check suite. |
The conclusion state of a GitHub check suite. |
A Pydantic model for the |
The check run status. |
The check run conclusion state. |
The level of a check run output annotation. |
Brief information about a check suite in the GitHubCheckRunModel. |
Check run output report. |
A Pydantic model of the |
A Pydantic model for the "check_run" field in a check_run webhook payload (~safir.github.webhooks.GitHubCheckRunEventModel). |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.github.webhooks Module#
Pydantic models for GitHub webhook payloads.
A Pydantic model for the |
A Pydantic model for the |
A pydantic model for repository objects used by GitHubAppInstallationRepositoriesEventModel. |
The action performed on an GitHub App |
A Pydantic model for an |
The action performed on a GitHub App |
A Pydantic model for a |
The action performed on a GitHub |
A Pydantic model for a |
The action performed in a GitHub |
A Pydantic model for the |
The action performed in a GitHub |
A Pydantic model for the |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.kubernetes Module#
Utilities for configuring a Kubernetes client.
Load the Kubernetes configuration. |
safir.logging Module#
Utilities for configuring structlog-based logging.
Add the log level to the event dict as |
Configure logging and structlog. |
Set up logging. |
Python logging level. |
Logging profile for the application. |
Name of the configured global logger. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.metadata Module#
Standardized metadata for Roundtable HTTP services.
Retrieve metadata for the application. |
Get a specific URL from a package's |
Metadata about a package. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.models Module#
Standard models for FastAPI applications.
FastAPI does not appear to export its error response model in a usable form, so define a copy of it so that we can reference it in API definitions to generate good documentation.
The detail of the error message. |
Possible locations for an error. |
A structured API error message. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.middleware.ivoa Module#
Middleware for IVOA services.
Make query parameter keys all lowercase. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.middleware.x_forwarded Module#
Update the request based on X-Forwarded-For
Middleware to update the request based on |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.pydantic Module#
Utility functions for Pydantic models.
Pydantic validator for datetime fields. |
Pydantic validator for datetime fields in ISO format. |
Convert a string to camel case. |
Generate a validator imposing a one and only one constraint. |
pydantic.BaseModel configured to accept camel-case input. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.redis Module#
Redis database support.
JSON-serialized encrypted storage in Redis. |
A Pydantic-based Redis store that encrypts data. |
Raised when a stored Pydantic object in Redis cannot be decoded (and possibly decrypted) or deserialized. |
Type variable of Pydantic object being stored in PydanticRedisStorage. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.slack.blockkit Module#
Slack Block Kit message models.
Base class for any Slack Block Kit block. |
Base class for Slack Block Kit blocks for the |
A component of a Slack message with a heading and a code block. |
An attachment in a Slack message with a heading and text body. |
Parent class of exceptions that can be reported to Slack. |
Message to post to Slack. |
A component of a Slack message with a heading and a text body. |
One field in a Slack message with a heading and text body. |
Parent class of exceptions arising from HTTPX failures. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.slack.webhook Module#
Send messages to Slack.
Parent class for exceptions that should not be reported to Slack. |
Custom fastapi.routing.APIRoute that reports exceptions to Slack. |
Send messages to a Slack webhook. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.testing.gcs Module#
Mock Google Cloud Storage API for testing.
Replace the Google Cloud Storage API with a mock class. |
Mock version of |
Mock version of |
Mock version of |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.testing.kubernetes Module#
Mock Kubernetes API for testing.
Replace the Kubernetes API with a mock class. |
Strip None values from a serialized Kubernetes object. |
Mock Kubernetes API for testing. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.testing.slack Module#
Mock Slack server for testing Slack messaging.
Set up a mocked Slack server. |
Represents a Slack incoming webhook and remembers what was posted. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#

safir.testing.uvicorn Module#
Utiility functions for managing an external Uvicorn test process.
Normally, ASGI apps are tested via the built-in support in HTTPX for running an ASGI app directly. However, sometimes the app has to be spawned in a separate process so that it can be accessed over HTTP, such as when testing it with Selenium or when testing Uvicorn integration. This module provides utility functions to aid with that test setup.
Spawn an ASGI app as a separate Uvicorn process. |
Timeout waiting for the server to start listening. |
Properties of the running Uvicorn service. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#