- class safir.github.models.GitHubCheckSuiteConclusion(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
The conclusion state of a GitHub check suite.
Attributes Summary
The check suite requires an action to be taken before it can continue.
The check suite was cancelled.
The check suite has failed.
The check suite has a neutral outcome, perhaps because the check was skipped.
The check suite is stale.
The check suite has succeeded.
The check suite timed out.
Attributes Documentation
- action_required = 'action_required'¶
The check suite requires an action to be taken before it can continue.
- cancelled = 'cancelled'¶
The check suite was cancelled.
- failure = 'failure'¶
The check suite has failed.
- neutral = 'neutral'¶
The check suite has a neutral outcome, perhaps because the check was skipped.
- stale = 'stale'¶
The check suite is stale.
- success = 'success'¶
The check suite has succeeded.
- timed_out = 'timed_out'¶
The check suite timed out.